The final night of the Ramadan Football Tournament, hosted by Mubadala concluded last night with United Team taking out the 2013 title, winning ticket packages to attend the Fifa Under 17 World Cup staged in UAE between October 23rd and November 8th, 2013.
The final night of the Ramadan Football Tournament, hosted by Mubadala concluded last night with United Team taking out the 2013 title, winning ticket packages to attend the Fifa Under 17 World Cup staged in UAE between October 23rd and November 8th, 2013.
The week long tournament kicked off on Sunday night with over 200 players battling it out on the purpose built indoor pitches at ADNEC. Sixteen teams played three intensive nights of round robin football before moving into two nights of finals playoffs.
“Mubadala is committed to encouraging young people across the nation to understand the importance of wellbeing and to keeping fit and active. We are proud of this year’s results for the Mubadala Ramadan Football Tournament. The championship was over-subscribed by 50 percent and spectator participation increased significantly as we expanded the interactive zone to include a walking track and healthy-meal recipes from our partners at Imperial College London Diabetes Centre,” said Amina Taher, Head of Community Engagement, Mubadala.
Having played together for over 5 years, United team members were confident of their success. “Being champions of Mubadala Ramadan Football Tournament is very exciting. We look forward to participating in similar tournaments as they’re a great opportunity to compete with our rivals in a professional environment,” said, Muhannad Al Atrash, Captain of United Team.
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