A Focus on Increasing Climate Integration

Mubadala has spent the last two years working to gain a deeper understanding of the carbon footprint of our portfolio, building climate and sustainability fluency with our employees and gaining a better understanding of the potential impacts of climate change on our most impacted portfolio companies.

Recognizing that our data set and models will require continual improvement and refinement, we believe that they currently provide an important starting point for discussion and action on how to effect real change within our portfolio and in our corporate operations and will continue to do so as we strive to improve and build upon them in the months and years ahead.

Today, we have leveraged this new insight and external frameworks such as those provided by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to establish a methodology to institutionalize a more consistent approach to analyzing climate considerations on new investments and within our existing portfolio and we are in the process of actively rolling it out. We are using the output of these analyses to help inform discussions on portfolio strategy and asset allocation. And we are using this data to continue to inform an ongoing dialogue about how to drive a decrease in the carbon footprint of our portfolio now and into the future in line with net zero.
